Back to School Information
McLaurin High School
Students and Parents,
I would like to extend a warm welcome back to each and every one of you! This summer has been very different than any we have ever seen before, as well as, the start of our new school year. We know, as we have said and heard many times before, we are in uncharted waters but know that we always have and will continue to have the safety and well being of our students first and foremost at the top of our list.
This year we will have several different safety measures set in place throughout the school. Some of these will be: each student and staff member will go through a screening process each morning, breakfast will be a grab and go, students will report directly to their homeroom(jr. high)/first block (high school) each morning, and masks will be required at all times. All masks must be school appropriate with solid color or school mascot.
We will be doing our Open House a little differently this year. We will host our first ever Virtual Open House! Each teacher will have a welcome video posted to your child’s Canvas account. Also be sure to check out their Home Room page for a Special Welcome from the Administration!
For our first two weeks of school we will be in the Hybrid model. Our student body has been sectioned into two Cohorts: Cohort- 1 A-K and Cohort 2- L-Z.
Monday, August 17, will be an A-Day with Cohort 1 on Campus while Cohort 2 will attend virtually via zoom from their teachers’ Canvas account.
Breakfast will be served beginning Monday, August 17, as well as hot lunches. We are asking everyone to use the My Payment Plus App to prepay your child’s lunches/breakfast in order to limit the exchange of money between hands.
We are also providing water bottle filling stations throughout the school. We are encouraging everyone to bring their own water bottles this year.
“Change will come our way. We can go through it or we can grow through it. We grow when we seek out solutions rather than let obstacles hinder us.” -George Couras
At McLaurin High School we are choosing to GROW this year through all of the changes that may come our way!
So as we begin a new school year, let’s not let the uncertainty of the future rob us of the joy of today!
Looking forward to a Great 2020-2021!
Mrs. Crosetti